Help and Advice
We know that sometimes it can be quite daunting ordering promotional items – particularly if this isn’t part of your usual role. We also appreciate that, alongside many other industries, there are some terms and phrases that do not necessarily mean much to you if you haven’t come across them before. The pages in this section are designed to help answer many of the questions that you might have and to explain some terms and practices that are standard across the industry.
We also recognise that some of you order promotional products every day. The pages in the section will provide you with all of the information that you need to ensure that your relationship with us is smooth and hassle-free from the start. |
If you cannot find the answer to a question on these pages, please do contact us on01384 221655 or by using the form below.
Finally, please do take time to read our terms and conditions – ‘the small print’ is never the top of anyone’s reading list but familiarising yourself with our T&C now can help avoid misunderstandings in the future. |